Saturday, July 14, 2012

Celeb Saturday-Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel has a style aesthetic that none of the other celebrities in Hollywood showcase.  That's why I love her and why I've chosen her and her style to spotlight this Celeb Saturday. Deschanel's clothing choices have a distinctly vintage vibe, mixed touches of girly and quirky. She stays true to that signature personal style whether she's on the streets, shooting a magazine spread, making an advertisement, or posing on the red carpet. She's almost always seen wearing black tights and a severe bang. And her attitude is always cute and fun- never an ounce of diva in that face! 

I've gathered some of my favorite Zooey fashions from 2008-the present.  

Allure 2012

Nylon 2008

Street Style
I love shorts with tights-it looks casual but polished. This is my favorite Zooey street-style moment.

Street Style

In Prada at the Golden Globes, 2012

Street Style

In Lisa Lo at "So you Think you Can Dance" 200th Episode Party, 2012
Purple is my favorite color and Zooey looks beautiful in this plum structural dress worn with her signature black tights and red lip. This is my favorite Zooey red-carpet moment.

Cotton Ad, 2011

Marie Claire 2012
This photograph is beyond beautiful. Somehow Zooey still emits her signature style vibe while looking glamorous in a black-and-white editorial spread. This is my favorite Zooey magazine/advertisement picture.

Street Style

Pantene Ad, 2012

In Oscar de la Renta at the Critic's Choice TV Awards, 2012

Zooey Deschanel's style is vintage, quirky, and girly; and I find her style inspirational because it's so different from the styles of her peers. I bet she's shopped at a thrift store or two!
Which Zooey look is your favorite?

Elle Michele
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  1. Deschanel is my favourite model/actress/celebrity EVER! <3

  2. She's one of my favorites too! Thanks for the comment :)

  3. <3 Zooey! I love that she's conservative, yet still girly and chic! It's a cute combination that just works perfectly for her!

    Brings me back to 500 Days of Summer.. Ah... <33

    1. 500 Days of Summer is the BEST movie ever.

    2. zoey is the cutest and i love her style!!!

  4. She is so weird and thats what I like most :)

    Santenne of Crystallized Elements.

  5. I think Zooey is adorable and I love her whimsical style! I'm one of your Twitter followers and I'm following your blog now as well :)

    The Tiny Heart

    1. Thank you so much! And I agree-she's so cute! <3 Elle

  6. love, love love her! great post!

