Since I haven't had time to shop much recently, I thought it would be fun to try to come up with a complete outfit for the fall that's under $100!
I thought I'd go to everyone's favorite online store, ASOS!
I was initially inspired by this mint-ish button up, because I really want some more mint for the fall! It's fun to pair with a lot of colors!

I'm all about mixing colors this fall, because I think men, especially, get stuck in jeans, or black pants, or khakis! It's fun to play, and I think pairing mint with a burnt orange is an interesting and successful color combination!

A nice accessory for a chilly day would be anything blue! I thought this blue snood with a subtle pattern could be fun to mix up the solids on the top and bottom! Blue is a real balancer for the mint and burnt orange combo, I think it's an important addition!

As for the shoes, I came up with a nice combination! I think brown or blue really works here, so I have combinations of all of them - and each have an end result under $100!

Grand Total ::: $94.87

Grand Total ::: $94.87

Grand Total ::: $79.34
One of the many reasons why I love ASOS! A complete outfit WITH shoes for under $80? I'd say that's a success! This was a fun little challenge!
Sorry, ladies, it was all about the men today, but hopefully you'll think about these color combinations! Maybe I'll play again next week for you all! :)
[ Images courtesy of ASOS ]
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I really enjoy this kind of post! Let's face it, broke people (like me) can't afford to spend much more than $100.00 on an outfit.